The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a vibrant and culturally significant holiday deeply rooted in Chinese tradition. Falling on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, it commemorates the life and tragic death of the ancient poet Qu Yuan, who is revered for his patriotism and literary prowess.
This festive occasion is marked by a myriad of customs and rituals, the most iconic of which is the dragon boat races. Teams of rowers propel long, colorfully decorated boats through the water in a thrilling competition, symbolizing the efforts to save Qu Yuan from drowning by fishermen who paddled out in their boats. The races evoke a sense of unity and excitement, drawing crowds of spectators along the riverbanks.
Another beloved tradition is the consumption of zongzi, glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves or reed. These delicious treats come in various fillings, from sweet to savory, and are shared among family and friends as a symbol of harmony and prosperity.
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Celebrating the Magic of Qixi FestivalProchaine :
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